Conservatory DMA Composition Student Bo Li Has Premieres

The UMKC Conservatory is pleased to note the success of our first year Composition DMA student, Bo Li who has become a member of the Executive Board of the China Traditional Instrumental Orchestra Music Society in 2017, Beijing. Bo Li will have new composition premiere performances:

1. A Sheng concerto: Reminiscing Snow, premiered by the Shanghai Chinese Traditional Instrumental Orchestra, soloist: Zhen Zhao at Shanghai Concert Hall April 30, 2017, Shanghai.   

2. A percussion concerto, commissioned by the Central Conservatory of Music Affiliated Middle School premiered by the Chinese Traditional Instrumental Orchestra of the Central Conservatory of Music Affiliated Middle School, soloist: Jia Qiao, June 17, 2017, Beijing.

Bo Li has also had recent premiered performances of his compositions:

1. A Guanzi concerto: A Shadow Beneath the Nighfall, commissioned by the China National Orchestra, premiered in the National Centre for the Performing Arts concert hall June 5, 2016, by the China National Orchestra, soloist: Jiali Zhang in Beijing.

2. A concerto for eight Chinese wind instruments and orchestra: Wind, commissioned by the Central Conservatory of Music, premiered at the Chinese Wind Festival of the Central Conservatory of Music October 16, 2016 by the CCOM's Chinese Traditional Instrumental Orchestra, Beijing.

3. A Dizi concerto: Wu Kong, commissioned by the Tianjin Conservatory of Music, premiered at the Tianjin Grant Theatre November 15, 2016 by the Tianjin Opera & Dance Orchestra, soloist: Le Li in Tianjin.

4. A Kunqu concerto for Chinese opera singers, traditional instruments and western orchestra: The Peony Pavilion - Zao Luo Pao, commissioned by the Greater Cincinnati Chinese Music Society, premiered February 4, 2017, Cincinnati Conservatory, OH.


Published: Mar 24, 2017