In a city with abundant dance opportunities, the dance faculty pride themselves on producing motivated and advanced students who perform throughout their student careers and are ready to join professional companies.


Dance program

The Dance program at UMKC focuses on dance technique and theory, and we are committed to advancing creativity. You’ll create a strong foundation for your career in dance, rooted in ballet, modern dance and choreography. We champion the traditions of the past while preparing for the future through innovation, enterprise and arts advocacy. You’ll experience the mission of UMKC in the Dance program as we seek to promote an inclusive learning environment. 

Our program is equal-emphasis between ballet and modern dance, and your learning experience will mirror the current programming of national dance companies. Through our Great Works Projects, our students have the opportunity to dance in masterpieces like George Balanchine's Serenade, Robert Battle's Battlefield, Twyla Tharp's Torelli, Petipa's Paquita, Philip Jerry's Our Town and Paul Taylor's Aureole.

We want to provide you with as many professional opportunities as possible, so you are granted two weeks leave per semester to dance professionally. Students have performed the Kansas City Ballet's The Nutcracker, Romeo and Juliet and Firebird, The Nutcracker tour with Albany Berkshire Ballet, Setting the Stage with Friends of Alvin Ailey and with the Wylliams/Henry Contemporary Dance Company.

Dance division mission statement

The Dance Division of the UMKC Conservatory is committed to performance excellence through specialized training in dance technique, theory and choreography, advancing creativity, performance, scholarship and learning in the arts. Intellectual and artistic growth is the primary focus of the Dance Division, which is supported by the program in a disciplined and nurturing environment. The education of the student is enhanced by a strong foundation in ballet, modern dance and choreography. We collaborate to champion the best aspects of the past as we prepare for the future through innovation, enterprise and arts advocacy. In keeping with the mission of our university, we seek to promote an inclusive learning environment.

Dance division vision statement

While advancing our reputation as a premier nationally recognized university dance program, we encourage discovery, creativity and learning of the highest caliber for our students. The Conservatory Dance Division believes dance education begins in the studio with equal emphasis in ballet and modern training that is supported by scholarly investigation in dance and academia. We remain a dedicated faculty for the development of individual student growth as performing artists and creators while preparing students for collaboration, multidisciplinary exploration and for making informed artistic choices. We seek to cross ethnic, social and educational barriers to instill an awareness and appreciation of the value of dance in our community. We foster learning that embraces all aspects of dance and general education, integrating the arts with a broad knowledge of its cultural significance.



Degree program offered

Bachelor of Fine Arts: Dance